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Oliver Fabio Piattella (OFP) ha conseguito la laurea triennale in Astrofisica (2003), la laurea specialistica (2006) e il dottorato (2010) in Cosmologia e Gravitazione presso l'Università dell'Insubria (Como, Italia), sotto la supervisione congiunta dei professori Ugo Moschella e Alexander Yu. Kamentchik. OFP ha svolto parte della sua ricerca di dottorato l'Institute of Gravitation and Cosmology (ICG) dell'Università di Portsmouth (Inghilterra), collaborando con il Professor Marco Bruni. È stato borsista post-dottorato junior del CNPq (2010), visiting professor (2011) e professore associato permanente presso l'Università Federale dell'Espírito Santo (UFES, Vitória, Brasile). Da settembre 2018 a marzo 2020 OFP è stato borsista CAPES/Humboldt presso l'Istituto di Fisica Teorica dell'Università di Heidelberg (Germania) ospitato dal Professor Luca Amendola. Nel 2016 OFP ha contribuito alla realizzazione del corso di laurea PPGCosmo, di cui è attualmente vice coordinatore. Dal 2022 OFP è ricercatore presso il Dipartimento di Scienze e Alta Tecnologia (DiSAT) dell'Università dell'Insubria. Le sue aree di ricerca sono: Cosmologia, Astrofisica e Gravitazione. Si occupa principalmente dei seguenti argomenti: i problemi della materia oscura e dell'energia, le teorie della gravitazione modificata, le teorie inflazionarie dell'Universo, le lenti gravitazionali, l'astrofisica dei buchi neri. Mantiene attive collaborazioni con gruppi di ricerca in Italia, Inghilterra, Germania e Francia. Secondo INSPIRE ( ha 71 opere citabili (53 delle quali pubblicate) con 1.379 citazioni e h index = 22. Ha 16 supervisioni di studenti completate, di cui 3 di dottorato e 5 di laurea specialistica. Attualmente ha 1 supervisione di dottorato e una di laurea specialistica in corso. Dal 2012 ha contribuito all'organizzazione di numerosi eventi scientifici internazionali, con sede nell'Espírito Santo (Brasile) e in Italia. Maggiori informazioni sul sito
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Oliver Fabio Piattella-CV.pdf (Oliver F. Piattella CV)
CURRICULUM VITÆ Oliver Fabio Piattella
• Address: Dipartimento di Scienza e Alta Tecnologia, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, via Valleggio 11, 22100 - Como, Italy
• Office Phone: +39 031 238 6212
• E-mail address:,
• Personal web page: • Date of birth: 17.09.1981
• Place of birth: Zu ̈rich, Switzerland
• Nationality: Italian
• Family Status: Married
• Cosmology, Gravitation and Astrophysics. • Dark Matter and Large Scale Structure.
• Dark Energy and Modified Gravity.
• Gravitational Lensing.
• January 2022–Present. Researcher, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria.
• February 2020–December 2021. Associate Professor (Professor Associado). Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil;
• March 2013–December 2021. CNPq Level 2 Researcher;
• September 2018–February 2020. CAPES-Humboldt fellow. Institut for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University, Germany;
• February 2012–February 2020. Lecturer (Professor Adjunto). Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil;
• February 2011–February 2012. Visiting Professor. Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil;
• February 2010–February 2011. Post-Doctoral fellow. Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil;
• Spring–Summer 2009. Visiting Researcher. Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, Portsmouth, UK.
• January 2007–January 2010. PhD student. Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Como, Italy.
• Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, S.C. 02/A2, Fascia I. Validity: 22/05/2020 to 22/05/2029.
• Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, S.C. 02/A2, Fascia II. Validity: 28/03/2017 to 28/03/2023.
• CAPES (Brazil) and Humboldt (Germany) fellowship. Awarded in June 2018 for 18 months starting from September 2018.
• FAPES (Espírito Santo Foundation for Supporting Research, Brazil) Research Grant (Taxa de Pesquisa), awarded March 2016 (three-year support, total value BRL21,600)
• CNPq (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development, Brazil) Research Grant (Produtividade em Pesquisa), awarded January 2016 (three-year support, total value BRL39,600)
• UFES. International cooperation call, awarded September 2014 for exchange visits with the ICG, Portsmouth, UK (two-year support, value BRL30,000)
• CNPq. Research Grant (Produtividade em Pesquisa), awarded January 2013 (three-year support, value BRL39,600)
• CNPq. Post-doctoral Fellowship, awarded January 2010 (one-year support, value BRL43,200);
• Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Como, Italy. PhD fellowship awarded October 2006 (three years support, value EUR36,000);
• September 2020, Review of the cosmological constant problem, GravBR initiative seminar
• July 2020, About the hiding of the cosmological constant, Heidelberg University ITP Cosmology group seminar
• July 2019, Lectures on the cosmological constant, two invited lectures at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Heidelberg University
• December 2018, The effect of the cosmological constant on the bending of light, cosmology group seminar at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Heidelberg University
• July 2018, Introduction to Gravitational Waves, series of 3 lectures delivered at the Inverno Astrofísico 2018
• June 2018, Estate Quantistica, Scalea, Italy. Title: Stability of neutron stars in R2 gravity
• July 2017, Introduction to Cosmology, series of 3 lectures delivered at the The Fourth Afro-Franco-Brazilian Meeting on Mathematics and Physics
• April 2017, Introduction to Cosmology, series of 3 lectures delivered at the First school on physical sciences Brazil-Cape Verde
• July 2016, Xth International Conference on the interconnection between particle physics and cosmology, S ̃ao Paulo, Brazil. Title: Lensing in the McVittie metric
• September 2015, ICG theory group seminar, Portsmouth, UK. Title: Lensing in the McVittie metric
• February 2015, Ver ̃ao Quântico, Jo ̃ao Pessoa, Brazil. Title: Velocity dispersion effect on the evolution of small fluctuations of dark matter
• September 2014, Estate Quantistica, Scalea, Italy. Title: Velocity dispersion effect on the evolution of small fluctuations of dark matter
• May 2013, Nice Observatory, France. Title: Velocity dispersion effects in the lin- ear growth of cosmic structures
• May 2013, Institute of Astrophysics, Paris, France. Title: Velocity dispersion effects in the linear growth of cosmic structures
• October 2010, Brazilian Centre for Research in Physics (CBPF), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Title: Causal Bulk Viscous Cosmology
• July 2009, Institute of Astronomy (IoA), Cambridge, UK. Title: A new class of adiabatic Unified Dark Matter models
• February 2009, Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation (ICG), UK. Title: The Chaplygin gas as a unified model of dark energy and dark matter
• March 2008, University of Bologna, Italy. Title: Gauge-invariant analysis of perturbations in Chaplygin gas unified models of dark matter and dark energy
Since August 2010 I teach two 60-hours courses per semester (the weekly teaching hours are typically 8).
I have been teaching all the basic physics courses for undergraduates since Au- gust 2010. I regularly teach Cosmology and General Relativity to graduate students since 2014.
I also teach in the Distance Learning modality via a Moodle web-based platform. STUDENTS
I have completed supervisions of 6 BSc, 5 MSc, and 3 PhD students. I am currently supervising 1 PhD student (Leonardo Giani).
I contributed to the creation of the PPGCosmo (http://ppgcosmo.cosmo-ufes. org/) PhD program, in August 2016. This is a new PhD course which is based on the internationalisation of its students. Each of them is co-supervised by one of our international partners.
• Physics of the Dark Universe;
• General Relativity and Gravitation (GERG);
• Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS); • Physical Review D (PRD);
• Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP);
• European Journal of Physics C (EJPC);
• Classical and Quantum Gravity (CQG);
The web-pages of the following events can be found on http://www.cosmo-ufes. org/events.html. Typically, I have been able to win financial support of about 10,000 BRL for each of the below listed event from the local funding agency (FAPES, Espírito Santo, Brazil) and from the two federal ones (CNPq and CAPES, Brazil). This financial support was necessary in order to pay travel expenses and accommodations of the invited speakers.
• June 2018: Estate Quantistica 2018, Scalea, Italy.
• June 2018: Homage to Winfried Zimdahl’s 70th birthday, Vitória, Brazil.
• October 2017: Homage to Ju ́lio César Fabris’s 60th birthday, Vitória, Brazil.
• March 2017: Seventh Ver ̃ao Quântico, Anchieta, Brazil.
• September 2016: Third Jos ́e Plínio Baptista School in Gravitation and Cosmology, Pedra Azul, Domingos Martins, Brazil.
• June 2016: Estate Quantistica, Scalea, Italy.
• February 2016: Patrício Letelier School in Mathematical Physics, Ubu, Anchieta, Brazil.
• April 2015: Black holes and their analogues, Ubu, Anchieta, Brazil.
• February 2015: Sixth Ver ̃ao Quântico, Jo ̃ao Pessoa, Brazil.
• September 2014: Estate Quantistica, Scalea, Italy.
• March 2014: Second Jos ́e Plínio Baptista School in Gravitation and Cosmology, Pedra Azul, Domingos Martins, Brazil.
• February 2013: Fifth Ver ̃ao Quântico, Ubu, Anchieta, Brazil.
• October 2012: First Jos ́e Plínio Baptista School in Gravitation and Cosmology, Ubu, Anchieta, Brazil.
• February 2012: Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity: A workshop in homage to Professor Olivier Piguet’s 70th birthday, Ubu, Anchieta, Brazil.
• Computer Literacy:
Fortran 77/90/95, Mathematica, Maple, Matlab, CAMB, CMBFAST, CLASS, Moo- dle;
• Languages (with classification according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages):
Italian (mother tongue, C2), English (C2), Portuguese (C2), French (C1), Spanish (C1), German (B2), Russian (A2), Japanese (A1).
• I have been coordinator of the distance learning course in physics of UFES in the period March 2016-March 2018;
• Vice-director of the PPGCosmo PhD course (2016-2018).
Articles published in international scientific journals
1. V. Gorini, A. Y. Kamenshchik, U. Moschella, O. F. Piattella and A. A. Starobinsky, Gauge-invariant analysis of perturbations in Chaplygin gas unified models of dark matter and dark energy, JCAP 0802 (2008) 016, arXiv:0711.4242
2. V. Gorini, A. Y. Kamenshchik, U. Moschella, O. F. Piattella and A. A. Starobinsky, More about the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations for the generalised Chaplygin gas, Phys. Rev. D 80, 104038 (2009), arXiv:0909.0866
3. O. F. Piattella, The extreme limit of the generalised Chaplygin gas, JCAP 1003 (2010) 012, arXiv:0906.4430
4. O. F. Piattella, D. Bertacca, M. Bruni and D. Pietrobon, Unified Dark Matter models with fast transition, JCAP 1001 (2010) 014, arXiv:0911.2664
5. L. Rizzi, S. L. Cacciatori, V. Gorini, A. Y. Kamenshchik and O. F. Piattella, Dark matter effects in vacuum spacetime, Phys. Rev. D 82, 027301 (2010), arXiv:1006.4059
6. L. Rizzi, O. F. Piattella, S. L. Cacciatori and V. Gorini, The Step-Harmonic potential, Am. J. Phys. 78, 8, August 2010, arXiv:0912.3198
7. D. Bertacca, O. F. Piattella, M. Bruni and D. Pietrobon, Unified Dark Matter scalar field models with fast transition, JCAP 02 (2011) 018, arXiv:1011.6669
8. F. Belgiorno, S. L. Cacciatori, F. Dalla Piazza and O. F. Piattella, Quantum loss of angular momentum for BTZ black holes, J. Phys. A 44 (2011) 025202, arXiv:1007.4439
9. Daniele Bertacca, Alvise Raccanelli, Oliver F. Piattella, Davide Pietrobon, Nicola Bartolo, Sabino Matarrese and Tommaso Giannantonio, CMB-Galaxy correlation in Unified Dark Matter Scalar Field Cosmologies, JCAP 1103 (2011) 039, arXiv:1102.0284
10. Oliver F. Piattella, Ju ́lio C. Fabris and Winfried Zimdahl, Bulk viscous cosmology with causal transport theory, JCAP 1105 (2011) 029, arXiv:1103.1328
11. L. Rizzi, O. F. Piattella, S. L. Cacciatori and V. Gorini, Two variants of the step-harmonic potential, Revista Brasileira de Ensino de F sica, vol. 38, no 2, e2302 (2016), arXiv:1102.2994
12. Oliver F. Piattella and Daniele Bertacca, Gravitational potential evolution in Unified Dark Matter Scalar Field Cosmologies: an analytical approach, Modern Physics Letters A26 (2011) 2277-2286, arXiv:1103.0234
13. J. C. Fabris, T. C. C. Guio, M. Hamani Daouda, O. F. Piattella, Scalar mod- els for the generalized Chaplygin gas and the structure formation constraints, Gravitation and Cosmology 17 3 (2011) 259–271, arXiv:1011.0286
14. A. A. Grib, Y. .V. Pavlov, O. F. Piattella, High energy processes in the vicinity of the Kerr’s black hole horizon, International Journal of Modern Physics A, 26 (2011) 22, arXiv:1105.1540
15. J. C. Fabris, M. Hamani Daouda, O. F. Piattella, Note on the Evolution of the Gravitational Potential in Rastall Scalar Field Theories, Phys. Lett. B711 (2012) 232-237, arXiv:1109.2096
16. M. J. S. Houndjo and O. F. Piattella, Reconstructing f(R,T) gravity from holographic dark energy, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 21 (2012) 1250024, arXiv:1111.4275
17. C. E. M. Batista, M. H. Daouda, J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella and D. C. Rodrigues, Rastall Cosmology and the ΛCDM Model, Phys. Rev. D85 (2012) 084008, arXiv:1112.4141
18. M. J. S. Houndjo, C. E. M. Batista, J. P. Campos and O. F. Piattella, Finite- time singularities in f(R, T) gravity and
the effect of conformal anomaly, Can. J. Phys. 91 (7), 548-553 (2013), arXiv:1203.6084
19. C. E. M. Batista, J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella and A. M. Velasquez-Toribio, Observational constraints on Rastall’s cosmology, Eur. Phys. J. C73 (2013) 2425, arXiv:1208.6327
20. G. F. Silva, O. F. Piattella, J. C. Fabris, L. Casarini and T. O. Barbosa, Bouncing solutions in Rastall’s theory with a barotropic fluid, Grav. Cosmol. 19 (2013) 156-162, arXiv:1212.6954
21. J. P. Campos, J. C. Fabris, R. Perez, O. F. Piattella and H. Velten, Does Chap- lygin gas have salvation?, Eur. Phys. J. C73 (2013) 2357, arXiv:1212.4136
22. O. F. Piattella, D. C. Rodrigues, J. C. Fabris, J. A. de Freitas Pacheco, Evo- lution of the phase-space density and the Jeans scale for dark matter derived from the Vlasov-Einstein equation, JCAP 1311 (2013) 002, arXiv:1306.3578
23. J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella, I. G. Salako, J. Tossa, H. E. S. Velten, A note on acoustic black holes in neo-Newtonian theory, Mod.Phys.Lett. A28 (2013) 1350169, arXiv:1308.1859
24. O. F. Piattella, J. C. Fabris, N. Biliíc, Note on the thermodynamics and the speed of sound of a scalar field, Class.Quant.Grav. 31 (2014) 055006, arXiv:1309.4282
25. J. C. Fabris, J. A. de Freitas Pacheco, O. F. Piattella, Is the continuous matter creation cosmology an alternative to ΛCDM?, JCAP 1406 (2014) 038, arXiv:1405.6659
26. L. Casarini, O. F. Piattella, S. Bonometto and M. Mezzetti, Sample variance in N–body simulations and impact on tomographic shear predictions, Astrophys.J. 812 (2015) no.1, 16, arXiv:1406.5374
27. O. F. Piattella, D. L. A. Martins and L. Casarini, Sub-horizon evolution of cold dark matter perturbations through dark matter-dark energy equivalence epoch, JCAP 1410 (2014) 10, 031, arXiv:1407.4773
28. T. R. P. Caramês, M. H. Daouda, J. C. Fabris, A. M. Oliveira, O. F. Piattella and V. Strokov, The Brans-Dicke-Rastall theory, Eur. Phys. J. C 74 (2014) 11, 3145, arXiv:1409.2322
29. D. C. Rodrigues, B. Chauvineau and O. F. Piattella, Scalar-Tensor gravity with system-dependent potential and its relation with Renormalization Group extended General Relativity, JCAP 1509 (2015) no.09, 009, arXiv:1504.05119
30. O. F. Piattella, L. Casarini, J. C. Fabris and J. A. d. F. Pacheco, Dark matter velocity dispersion effects on CMB and matter power spectra, JCAP 1602 (2016) no.02, 024, arXiv:1507.00982
31. O. F. Piattella, Lensing in the McVittie metric, Phys. Rev. D 93 (2016) no.2, 024020, arXiv:1508.04763
32. R. M. Barbosa, E. G. Chirinos Isidro, W. Zimdahl and O. F. Piattella, Cos- mic bulk viscosity through backreaction, Gen. Rel. Grav. 48 (2016) no.4, 51, arXiv:1512.07835
33. P. O. Baqui, J. C. Fabris and O. F. Piattella, Cosmology and stellar equilibrium using Newtonian hydrodynamics with general relativistic pressure, JCAP 1604 (2016) no.04, 034, arXiv:1512.09056
34. J. c. Hwang, H. Noh, J. Fabris, O. F. Piattella and W. Zimdahl, Newtonian hydrodynamic equations with relativistic pressure and velocity, JCAP 07 (2016), 046, arXiv:1603.07360 [gr-qc]
35. A. O. F. de Almeida, O. F. Piattella and D. C. Rodrigues, A method for evaluating models that use galaxy rotation curves to derive the density profiles, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 462 (2016) 270, arXiv:1605.04269
36. K. A. Bronnikov, J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella and E. C. Santos, Static, spherically symmetric solutions with a scalar field in Rastall gravity, Gen. Rel. Grav. 48 (2016) no.12, 162, arXiv:1606.06242
37. E. G. C. Isidro, R. M. Barbosa, O. F. Piattella and W. Zimdahl, Averaged Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi dynamics, Class. Quant. Grav. 34 (2017) no.3, 03500, arXiv:1608.00452
38. O. F. Piattella, On the effect of the cosmological expansion on the gravitational lensing by a point mass, Universe 2016, 2(4), 25, arXiv:1609.00270
39. K. A. Bronnikov, J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella, D. C. Rodrigues and E. C. San- tos, Duality between k-essence and Rastall gravity, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) no.6, 409, arXiv:1701.06662
40. O. F. Piattella and L. Giani, Redshift drift of gravitational lensing, Phys. Rev. D 95 (2017) no.10, 101301, arXiv:1703.05142
41. T. Miranda, J. C. Fabris and O. F. Piattella, Reconstructing a f(R) theory from the α-Attractors, JCAP 1709 (2017) no.09, 041, arXiv:1707.06457
42. F. Sbisà, O. F. Piattella and S. E. Jorás, Pressure effects in the weak-field limit of f(R) = R+αR2gravity, Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019), 104046, arXiv:1811.01322
43. T. Miranda, C. Escamilla-Rivera, O. F. Piattella and J. C. Fabris, Generic slow-roll and non-gaussianity parameters in f(R) theories, JCAP 1905 (2019) 028, arXiv:1812.01287
44. I. Torres, J. C. Fabris and O. F. Piattella, Classical and quantum cosmology of Fab Four John theories, Phys. Lett. B 798, 135003 (2019) arXiv:1811.08852
45. L. Giani, T. Miranda and O. F. Piattella, Cosmology and Newtonian limit in a model of gravity with nonlocally interacting metrics, Phys. Dark Univ. 26 (2019), 100357 arXiv:2019.100357
46. L. Giani and O. F. Piattella, Late-times asymptotic equation of state for a class of nonlocal theories of gravity, Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) no.12, 123508 arXiv:1906.10480
47. F. Sbisà, P. O. Baqui, T. Miranda, S. E. Jors and O. F. Piattella, Neutron star masses in R2-gravity, Phys. Dark Univ. C 27 (2020), 100411 arXiv:2019.100411
48. S. Profumo, L. Giani and O. F. Piattella, An Introduction to Particle Dark Matter, Universe 5 (2019) no.10, 213 arXiv:1910.05610
49. I. Torres, J. C. Fabris and O. F. Piattella, Bouncing and Cyclic Quantum Primordial Universes and the Ordering Problem, Class. Quant. Grav. 37 (2020) no.10, 105005 arXiv:1911.01487
50. I. Torres, J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella and A. B. Batista, Quantum Cosmology of Fab Four John Theory with Conformable Fractional Derivative, Universe 6 (2020) no.4, 50 arXiv:2001.07680
51. M. Wittner, G. Laverda, O. F. Piattella and L. Amendola, Transient weak gravity in scalar-tensor theories, JCAP 07 (2020) 019, arXiv:2003.08950
52. K.A. Bronnikov, J.C. Fabris, O.F. Piattella, D.C. Rodrigues and E.C.O. Santos, Rastall’s theory of gravity: Spherically symmetric solutions and the stability problem, Gen. Rel. Grav. 53 (2021) 2, 20, arXiv:2007.01945
53. O. F. Piattella, Does the cosmological constant stay hidden?, Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020) 10, 104039, arXiv:2007.02637
54. J. S. Martins, O. F. Piattella, I. L. Shapiro and A. A. Starobinsky, Inflation with sterile scalar coupled to massive fermions and to gravity, arXiv:2010.14639
55. J.C. Fabris, O.F. Piattella, D.C. Rodrigues, D.C. Rodrigues and E.C.O. Santos, A note on non-vanishing divergence of the stress-energy tensor in theories of gravity, arXiv:2011.10503
56. L. Giani, E. Frion and O. F. Piattella, Impact of inhomogeneities on slowly rolling quintessence: implications for the local variations of the fine-structure constant, Class. Quant. Grav. 38 (2021) no.17, 175010, arXiv:2102.11735
57. L. Giani, O. F. Piattella and A. Y. Kamenshchik, Bianchi IX gravitational collapse of matter inhomogeneities, arXiv:2112.01869
1. A. A. Grib, Y. V. Pavlov, O. F. Piattella, High energy processes in the vicinity of the Kerr’s black hole horizon, Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 3, 342 (2011), arXiv:1105.1540
2. M. H. Daouda, J. C. Fabris and O. F. Piattella, Scalar models for the unification of the dark sector, AIP Conf. Proc. 1471 (2012) 57-60, arXiv:1204.2298
3. J.C. Fabris, O.F. Piattella, D.C. Rodrigues, C.E.M. Batista and M.H. Daouda, Rastall cosmology, Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 18, 67 (2012), arXiv:1205.1198
4. D. C. Rodrigues, O. F. Piattella, J. C. Fabris and I. L. Shapiro, Renormalization Group approach to Gravity: the running of G and L inside galaxies and additional details on the elliptical NGC 4494, PoS DSU 2012 021, arXiv:1301.4148
5. J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella, D. C. Rodrigues, M. H. Daouda, Rastall’s Cosmology and its Observational Constraints . Mar 22, 2014. 6 pp. Proceedings of the II CosmoSur conference, Valparaíso, Chile, 27 - 31 May 2013
6. D. C. Rodrigues, O. F. Piattella, J. C. Fabris and I. L. Shapiro, Elliptical galaxies kinematics within general relativity with renormalization group effects, Proceedings of VIII International Workshop on the Dark Side of the Universe (DSU 2012). June 10-15, 2012. Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Published online at
7. D. C. Rodrigues, B. Koch, O. F. Piattella and I. L. Shapiro, The bending of light within gravity with large scale renormalization group effects, AIP Conf. Proc. 1647 (2015) 57.
8. J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella, D. C. Rodrigues, B. Chauvineau and M. H. Daouda, Introducing quantum effects in classical theories, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 31 (2016) no.02n03, 1641008, arXiv:1509.06806
9. J. C. Fabris, T. Miranda and O. F. Piattella, An exponential correction to Starobinsky’s inflationary model, 2nd International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics (ICPPA 2016), 10-14 Oct 2016. Moscow, Russia, arXiv:1611.05326
10. J. C. Fabris, T. Miranda and O. F. Piattella, Variations on the Starobinsky Inflationary Model, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 798 (2017) no.1, 012092, doi:10.1088/1742- 6596/798/1/012092
Books and chapters
1. Oliver F. Piattella, Cosmology and Unified dark Matter: the Chaplygin gas and beyond, ISBN 978-3-8443-8842-8, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co, 2011.
2. Proceedings of the 1st Jose Plinio Baptista School of Cosmology: Structure formation in an expanding Universe, 2014, p. 277, J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piat- tella, D. C. Rodrigues, W. Zimdahl Editors, EDUFES
3. J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella, D. C. Rodrigues, H. E. S. Velten and W. Zimdahl, The Cosmic Microwave Background, Astrophys. Space Sci. Proc. 45 (2016)
4. D. Wands, O. F. Piattella and L. Casarini, Physics of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, Astrophys. Space Sci. Proc. 45 (2016) 3, arXiv:1504.06335
5. O. F. Piattella, Lecture Notes in Cosmology, UNITEXT for Physics, Springer International Publishing (2018), ISBN 978-3-319-95569-8, arXiv:1803.00070. A constantly-updated pdf version can be found on my personal webpage:
• Address: Dipartimento di Scienza e Alta Tecnologia, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, via Valleggio 11, 22100 - Como, Italy
• Office Phone: +39 031 238 6212
• E-mail address:,
• Personal web page: • Date of birth: 17.09.1981
• Place of birth: Zu ̈rich, Switzerland
• Nationality: Italian
• Family Status: Married
• Cosmology, Gravitation and Astrophysics. • Dark Matter and Large Scale Structure.
• Dark Energy and Modified Gravity.
• Gravitational Lensing.
• January 2022–Present. Researcher, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria.
• February 2020–December 2021. Associate Professor (Professor Associado). Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil;
• March 2013–December 2021. CNPq Level 2 Researcher;
• September 2018–February 2020. CAPES-Humboldt fellow. Institut for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University, Germany;
• February 2012–February 2020. Lecturer (Professor Adjunto). Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil;
• February 2011–February 2012. Visiting Professor. Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil;
• February 2010–February 2011. Post-Doctoral fellow. Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil;
• Spring–Summer 2009. Visiting Researcher. Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, Portsmouth, UK.
• January 2007–January 2010. PhD student. Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Como, Italy.
• Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, S.C. 02/A2, Fascia I. Validity: 22/05/2020 to 22/05/2029.
• Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, S.C. 02/A2, Fascia II. Validity: 28/03/2017 to 28/03/2023.
• CAPES (Brazil) and Humboldt (Germany) fellowship. Awarded in June 2018 for 18 months starting from September 2018.
• FAPES (Espírito Santo Foundation for Supporting Research, Brazil) Research Grant (Taxa de Pesquisa), awarded March 2016 (three-year support, total value BRL21,600)
• CNPq (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development, Brazil) Research Grant (Produtividade em Pesquisa), awarded January 2016 (three-year support, total value BRL39,600)
• UFES. International cooperation call, awarded September 2014 for exchange visits with the ICG, Portsmouth, UK (two-year support, value BRL30,000)
• CNPq. Research Grant (Produtividade em Pesquisa), awarded January 2013 (three-year support, value BRL39,600)
• CNPq. Post-doctoral Fellowship, awarded January 2010 (one-year support, value BRL43,200);
• Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Como, Italy. PhD fellowship awarded October 2006 (three years support, value EUR36,000);
• September 2020, Review of the cosmological constant problem, GravBR initiative seminar
• July 2020, About the hiding of the cosmological constant, Heidelberg University ITP Cosmology group seminar
• July 2019, Lectures on the cosmological constant, two invited lectures at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Heidelberg University
• December 2018, The effect of the cosmological constant on the bending of light, cosmology group seminar at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Heidelberg University
• July 2018, Introduction to Gravitational Waves, series of 3 lectures delivered at the Inverno Astrofísico 2018
• June 2018, Estate Quantistica, Scalea, Italy. Title: Stability of neutron stars in R2 gravity
• July 2017, Introduction to Cosmology, series of 3 lectures delivered at the The Fourth Afro-Franco-Brazilian Meeting on Mathematics and Physics
• April 2017, Introduction to Cosmology, series of 3 lectures delivered at the First school on physical sciences Brazil-Cape Verde
• July 2016, Xth International Conference on the interconnection between particle physics and cosmology, S ̃ao Paulo, Brazil. Title: Lensing in the McVittie metric
• September 2015, ICG theory group seminar, Portsmouth, UK. Title: Lensing in the McVittie metric
• February 2015, Ver ̃ao Quântico, Jo ̃ao Pessoa, Brazil. Title: Velocity dispersion effect on the evolution of small fluctuations of dark matter
• September 2014, Estate Quantistica, Scalea, Italy. Title: Velocity dispersion effect on the evolution of small fluctuations of dark matter
• May 2013, Nice Observatory, France. Title: Velocity dispersion effects in the lin- ear growth of cosmic structures
• May 2013, Institute of Astrophysics, Paris, France. Title: Velocity dispersion effects in the linear growth of cosmic structures
• October 2010, Brazilian Centre for Research in Physics (CBPF), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Title: Causal Bulk Viscous Cosmology
• July 2009, Institute of Astronomy (IoA), Cambridge, UK. Title: A new class of adiabatic Unified Dark Matter models
• February 2009, Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation (ICG), UK. Title: The Chaplygin gas as a unified model of dark energy and dark matter
• March 2008, University of Bologna, Italy. Title: Gauge-invariant analysis of perturbations in Chaplygin gas unified models of dark matter and dark energy
Since August 2010 I teach two 60-hours courses per semester (the weekly teaching hours are typically 8).
I have been teaching all the basic physics courses for undergraduates since Au- gust 2010. I regularly teach Cosmology and General Relativity to graduate students since 2014.
I also teach in the Distance Learning modality via a Moodle web-based platform. STUDENTS
I have completed supervisions of 6 BSc, 5 MSc, and 3 PhD students. I am currently supervising 1 PhD student (Leonardo Giani).
I contributed to the creation of the PPGCosmo (http://ppgcosmo.cosmo-ufes. org/) PhD program, in August 2016. This is a new PhD course which is based on the internationalisation of its students. Each of them is co-supervised by one of our international partners.
• Physics of the Dark Universe;
• General Relativity and Gravitation (GERG);
• Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS); • Physical Review D (PRD);
• Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP);
• European Journal of Physics C (EJPC);
• Classical and Quantum Gravity (CQG);
The web-pages of the following events can be found on http://www.cosmo-ufes. org/events.html. Typically, I have been able to win financial support of about 10,000 BRL for each of the below listed event from the local funding agency (FAPES, Espírito Santo, Brazil) and from the two federal ones (CNPq and CAPES, Brazil). This financial support was necessary in order to pay travel expenses and accommodations of the invited speakers.
• June 2018: Estate Quantistica 2018, Scalea, Italy.
• June 2018: Homage to Winfried Zimdahl’s 70th birthday, Vitória, Brazil.
• October 2017: Homage to Ju ́lio César Fabris’s 60th birthday, Vitória, Brazil.
• March 2017: Seventh Ver ̃ao Quântico, Anchieta, Brazil.
• September 2016: Third Jos ́e Plínio Baptista School in Gravitation and Cosmology, Pedra Azul, Domingos Martins, Brazil.
• June 2016: Estate Quantistica, Scalea, Italy.
• February 2016: Patrício Letelier School in Mathematical Physics, Ubu, Anchieta, Brazil.
• April 2015: Black holes and their analogues, Ubu, Anchieta, Brazil.
• February 2015: Sixth Ver ̃ao Quântico, Jo ̃ao Pessoa, Brazil.
• September 2014: Estate Quantistica, Scalea, Italy.
• March 2014: Second Jos ́e Plínio Baptista School in Gravitation and Cosmology, Pedra Azul, Domingos Martins, Brazil.
• February 2013: Fifth Ver ̃ao Quântico, Ubu, Anchieta, Brazil.
• October 2012: First Jos ́e Plínio Baptista School in Gravitation and Cosmology, Ubu, Anchieta, Brazil.
• February 2012: Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity: A workshop in homage to Professor Olivier Piguet’s 70th birthday, Ubu, Anchieta, Brazil.
• Computer Literacy:
Fortran 77/90/95, Mathematica, Maple, Matlab, CAMB, CMBFAST, CLASS, Moo- dle;
• Languages (with classification according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages):
Italian (mother tongue, C2), English (C2), Portuguese (C2), French (C1), Spanish (C1), German (B2), Russian (A2), Japanese (A1).
• I have been coordinator of the distance learning course in physics of UFES in the period March 2016-March 2018;
• Vice-director of the PPGCosmo PhD course (2016-2018).
Articles published in international scientific journals
1. V. Gorini, A. Y. Kamenshchik, U. Moschella, O. F. Piattella and A. A. Starobinsky, Gauge-invariant analysis of perturbations in Chaplygin gas unified models of dark matter and dark energy, JCAP 0802 (2008) 016, arXiv:0711.4242
2. V. Gorini, A. Y. Kamenshchik, U. Moschella, O. F. Piattella and A. A. Starobinsky, More about the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations for the generalised Chaplygin gas, Phys. Rev. D 80, 104038 (2009), arXiv:0909.0866
3. O. F. Piattella, The extreme limit of the generalised Chaplygin gas, JCAP 1003 (2010) 012, arXiv:0906.4430
4. O. F. Piattella, D. Bertacca, M. Bruni and D. Pietrobon, Unified Dark Matter models with fast transition, JCAP 1001 (2010) 014, arXiv:0911.2664
5. L. Rizzi, S. L. Cacciatori, V. Gorini, A. Y. Kamenshchik and O. F. Piattella, Dark matter effects in vacuum spacetime, Phys. Rev. D 82, 027301 (2010), arXiv:1006.4059
6. L. Rizzi, O. F. Piattella, S. L. Cacciatori and V. Gorini, The Step-Harmonic potential, Am. J. Phys. 78, 8, August 2010, arXiv:0912.3198
7. D. Bertacca, O. F. Piattella, M. Bruni and D. Pietrobon, Unified Dark Matter scalar field models with fast transition, JCAP 02 (2011) 018, arXiv:1011.6669
8. F. Belgiorno, S. L. Cacciatori, F. Dalla Piazza and O. F. Piattella, Quantum loss of angular momentum for BTZ black holes, J. Phys. A 44 (2011) 025202, arXiv:1007.4439
9. Daniele Bertacca, Alvise Raccanelli, Oliver F. Piattella, Davide Pietrobon, Nicola Bartolo, Sabino Matarrese and Tommaso Giannantonio, CMB-Galaxy correlation in Unified Dark Matter Scalar Field Cosmologies, JCAP 1103 (2011) 039, arXiv:1102.0284
10. Oliver F. Piattella, Ju ́lio C. Fabris and Winfried Zimdahl, Bulk viscous cosmology with causal transport theory, JCAP 1105 (2011) 029, arXiv:1103.1328
11. L. Rizzi, O. F. Piattella, S. L. Cacciatori and V. Gorini, Two variants of the step-harmonic potential, Revista Brasileira de Ensino de F sica, vol. 38, no 2, e2302 (2016), arXiv:1102.2994
12. Oliver F. Piattella and Daniele Bertacca, Gravitational potential evolution in Unified Dark Matter Scalar Field Cosmologies: an analytical approach, Modern Physics Letters A26 (2011) 2277-2286, arXiv:1103.0234
13. J. C. Fabris, T. C. C. Guio, M. Hamani Daouda, O. F. Piattella, Scalar mod- els for the generalized Chaplygin gas and the structure formation constraints, Gravitation and Cosmology 17 3 (2011) 259–271, arXiv:1011.0286
14. A. A. Grib, Y. .V. Pavlov, O. F. Piattella, High energy processes in the vicinity of the Kerr’s black hole horizon, International Journal of Modern Physics A, 26 (2011) 22, arXiv:1105.1540
15. J. C. Fabris, M. Hamani Daouda, O. F. Piattella, Note on the Evolution of the Gravitational Potential in Rastall Scalar Field Theories, Phys. Lett. B711 (2012) 232-237, arXiv:1109.2096
16. M. J. S. Houndjo and O. F. Piattella, Reconstructing f(R,T) gravity from holographic dark energy, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 21 (2012) 1250024, arXiv:1111.4275
17. C. E. M. Batista, M. H. Daouda, J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella and D. C. Rodrigues, Rastall Cosmology and the ΛCDM Model, Phys. Rev. D85 (2012) 084008, arXiv:1112.4141
18. M. J. S. Houndjo, C. E. M. Batista, J. P. Campos and O. F. Piattella, Finite- time singularities in f(R, T) gravity and
the effect of conformal anomaly, Can. J. Phys. 91 (7), 548-553 (2013), arXiv:1203.6084
19. C. E. M. Batista, J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella and A. M. Velasquez-Toribio, Observational constraints on Rastall’s cosmology, Eur. Phys. J. C73 (2013) 2425, arXiv:1208.6327
20. G. F. Silva, O. F. Piattella, J. C. Fabris, L. Casarini and T. O. Barbosa, Bouncing solutions in Rastall’s theory with a barotropic fluid, Grav. Cosmol. 19 (2013) 156-162, arXiv:1212.6954
21. J. P. Campos, J. C. Fabris, R. Perez, O. F. Piattella and H. Velten, Does Chap- lygin gas have salvation?, Eur. Phys. J. C73 (2013) 2357, arXiv:1212.4136
22. O. F. Piattella, D. C. Rodrigues, J. C. Fabris, J. A. de Freitas Pacheco, Evo- lution of the phase-space density and the Jeans scale for dark matter derived from the Vlasov-Einstein equation, JCAP 1311 (2013) 002, arXiv:1306.3578
23. J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella, I. G. Salako, J. Tossa, H. E. S. Velten, A note on acoustic black holes in neo-Newtonian theory, Mod.Phys.Lett. A28 (2013) 1350169, arXiv:1308.1859
24. O. F. Piattella, J. C. Fabris, N. Biliíc, Note on the thermodynamics and the speed of sound of a scalar field, Class.Quant.Grav. 31 (2014) 055006, arXiv:1309.4282
25. J. C. Fabris, J. A. de Freitas Pacheco, O. F. Piattella, Is the continuous matter creation cosmology an alternative to ΛCDM?, JCAP 1406 (2014) 038, arXiv:1405.6659
26. L. Casarini, O. F. Piattella, S. Bonometto and M. Mezzetti, Sample variance in N–body simulations and impact on tomographic shear predictions, Astrophys.J. 812 (2015) no.1, 16, arXiv:1406.5374
27. O. F. Piattella, D. L. A. Martins and L. Casarini, Sub-horizon evolution of cold dark matter perturbations through dark matter-dark energy equivalence epoch, JCAP 1410 (2014) 10, 031, arXiv:1407.4773
28. T. R. P. Caramês, M. H. Daouda, J. C. Fabris, A. M. Oliveira, O. F. Piattella and V. Strokov, The Brans-Dicke-Rastall theory, Eur. Phys. J. C 74 (2014) 11, 3145, arXiv:1409.2322
29. D. C. Rodrigues, B. Chauvineau and O. F. Piattella, Scalar-Tensor gravity with system-dependent potential and its relation with Renormalization Group extended General Relativity, JCAP 1509 (2015) no.09, 009, arXiv:1504.05119
30. O. F. Piattella, L. Casarini, J. C. Fabris and J. A. d. F. Pacheco, Dark matter velocity dispersion effects on CMB and matter power spectra, JCAP 1602 (2016) no.02, 024, arXiv:1507.00982
31. O. F. Piattella, Lensing in the McVittie metric, Phys. Rev. D 93 (2016) no.2, 024020, arXiv:1508.04763
32. R. M. Barbosa, E. G. Chirinos Isidro, W. Zimdahl and O. F. Piattella, Cos- mic bulk viscosity through backreaction, Gen. Rel. Grav. 48 (2016) no.4, 51, arXiv:1512.07835
33. P. O. Baqui, J. C. Fabris and O. F. Piattella, Cosmology and stellar equilibrium using Newtonian hydrodynamics with general relativistic pressure, JCAP 1604 (2016) no.04, 034, arXiv:1512.09056
34. J. c. Hwang, H. Noh, J. Fabris, O. F. Piattella and W. Zimdahl, Newtonian hydrodynamic equations with relativistic pressure and velocity, JCAP 07 (2016), 046, arXiv:1603.07360 [gr-qc]
35. A. O. F. de Almeida, O. F. Piattella and D. C. Rodrigues, A method for evaluating models that use galaxy rotation curves to derive the density profiles, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 462 (2016) 270, arXiv:1605.04269
36. K. A. Bronnikov, J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella and E. C. Santos, Static, spherically symmetric solutions with a scalar field in Rastall gravity, Gen. Rel. Grav. 48 (2016) no.12, 162, arXiv:1606.06242
37. E. G. C. Isidro, R. M. Barbosa, O. F. Piattella and W. Zimdahl, Averaged Lemaître-Tolman-Bondi dynamics, Class. Quant. Grav. 34 (2017) no.3, 03500, arXiv:1608.00452
38. O. F. Piattella, On the effect of the cosmological expansion on the gravitational lensing by a point mass, Universe 2016, 2(4), 25, arXiv:1609.00270
39. K. A. Bronnikov, J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella, D. C. Rodrigues and E. C. San- tos, Duality between k-essence and Rastall gravity, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) no.6, 409, arXiv:1701.06662
40. O. F. Piattella and L. Giani, Redshift drift of gravitational lensing, Phys. Rev. D 95 (2017) no.10, 101301, arXiv:1703.05142
41. T. Miranda, J. C. Fabris and O. F. Piattella, Reconstructing a f(R) theory from the α-Attractors, JCAP 1709 (2017) no.09, 041, arXiv:1707.06457
42. F. Sbisà, O. F. Piattella and S. E. Jorás, Pressure effects in the weak-field limit of f(R) = R+αR2gravity, Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019), 104046, arXiv:1811.01322
43. T. Miranda, C. Escamilla-Rivera, O. F. Piattella and J. C. Fabris, Generic slow-roll and non-gaussianity parameters in f(R) theories, JCAP 1905 (2019) 028, arXiv:1812.01287
44. I. Torres, J. C. Fabris and O. F. Piattella, Classical and quantum cosmology of Fab Four John theories, Phys. Lett. B 798, 135003 (2019) arXiv:1811.08852
45. L. Giani, T. Miranda and O. F. Piattella, Cosmology and Newtonian limit in a model of gravity with nonlocally interacting metrics, Phys. Dark Univ. 26 (2019), 100357 arXiv:2019.100357
46. L. Giani and O. F. Piattella, Late-times asymptotic equation of state for a class of nonlocal theories of gravity, Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) no.12, 123508 arXiv:1906.10480
47. F. Sbisà, P. O. Baqui, T. Miranda, S. E. Jors and O. F. Piattella, Neutron star masses in R2-gravity, Phys. Dark Univ. C 27 (2020), 100411 arXiv:2019.100411
48. S. Profumo, L. Giani and O. F. Piattella, An Introduction to Particle Dark Matter, Universe 5 (2019) no.10, 213 arXiv:1910.05610
49. I. Torres, J. C. Fabris and O. F. Piattella, Bouncing and Cyclic Quantum Primordial Universes and the Ordering Problem, Class. Quant. Grav. 37 (2020) no.10, 105005 arXiv:1911.01487
50. I. Torres, J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella and A. B. Batista, Quantum Cosmology of Fab Four John Theory with Conformable Fractional Derivative, Universe 6 (2020) no.4, 50 arXiv:2001.07680
51. M. Wittner, G. Laverda, O. F. Piattella and L. Amendola, Transient weak gravity in scalar-tensor theories, JCAP 07 (2020) 019, arXiv:2003.08950
52. K.A. Bronnikov, J.C. Fabris, O.F. Piattella, D.C. Rodrigues and E.C.O. Santos, Rastall’s theory of gravity: Spherically symmetric solutions and the stability problem, Gen. Rel. Grav. 53 (2021) 2, 20, arXiv:2007.01945
53. O. F. Piattella, Does the cosmological constant stay hidden?, Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020) 10, 104039, arXiv:2007.02637
54. J. S. Martins, O. F. Piattella, I. L. Shapiro and A. A. Starobinsky, Inflation with sterile scalar coupled to massive fermions and to gravity, arXiv:2010.14639
55. J.C. Fabris, O.F. Piattella, D.C. Rodrigues, D.C. Rodrigues and E.C.O. Santos, A note on non-vanishing divergence of the stress-energy tensor in theories of gravity, arXiv:2011.10503
56. L. Giani, E. Frion and O. F. Piattella, Impact of inhomogeneities on slowly rolling quintessence: implications for the local variations of the fine-structure constant, Class. Quant. Grav. 38 (2021) no.17, 175010, arXiv:2102.11735
57. L. Giani, O. F. Piattella and A. Y. Kamenshchik, Bianchi IX gravitational collapse of matter inhomogeneities, arXiv:2112.01869
1. A. A. Grib, Y. V. Pavlov, O. F. Piattella, High energy processes in the vicinity of the Kerr’s black hole horizon, Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 3, 342 (2011), arXiv:1105.1540
2. M. H. Daouda, J. C. Fabris and O. F. Piattella, Scalar models for the unification of the dark sector, AIP Conf. Proc. 1471 (2012) 57-60, arXiv:1204.2298
3. J.C. Fabris, O.F. Piattella, D.C. Rodrigues, C.E.M. Batista and M.H. Daouda, Rastall cosmology, Int. J. Mod. Phys. Conf. Ser. 18, 67 (2012), arXiv:1205.1198
4. D. C. Rodrigues, O. F. Piattella, J. C. Fabris and I. L. Shapiro, Renormalization Group approach to Gravity: the running of G and L inside galaxies and additional details on the elliptical NGC 4494, PoS DSU 2012 021, arXiv:1301.4148
5. J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella, D. C. Rodrigues, M. H. Daouda, Rastall’s Cosmology and its Observational Constraints . Mar 22, 2014. 6 pp. Proceedings of the II CosmoSur conference, Valparaíso, Chile, 27 - 31 May 2013
6. D. C. Rodrigues, O. F. Piattella, J. C. Fabris and I. L. Shapiro, Elliptical galaxies kinematics within general relativity with renormalization group effects, Proceedings of VIII International Workshop on the Dark Side of the Universe (DSU 2012). June 10-15, 2012. Búzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Published online at
7. D. C. Rodrigues, B. Koch, O. F. Piattella and I. L. Shapiro, The bending of light within gravity with large scale renormalization group effects, AIP Conf. Proc. 1647 (2015) 57.
8. J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella, D. C. Rodrigues, B. Chauvineau and M. H. Daouda, Introducing quantum effects in classical theories, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 31 (2016) no.02n03, 1641008, arXiv:1509.06806
9. J. C. Fabris, T. Miranda and O. F. Piattella, An exponential correction to Starobinsky’s inflationary model, 2nd International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics (ICPPA 2016), 10-14 Oct 2016. Moscow, Russia, arXiv:1611.05326
10. J. C. Fabris, T. Miranda and O. F. Piattella, Variations on the Starobinsky Inflationary Model, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 798 (2017) no.1, 012092, doi:10.1088/1742- 6596/798/1/012092
Books and chapters
1. Oliver F. Piattella, Cosmology and Unified dark Matter: the Chaplygin gas and beyond, ISBN 978-3-8443-8842-8, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co, 2011.
2. Proceedings of the 1st Jose Plinio Baptista School of Cosmology: Structure formation in an expanding Universe, 2014, p. 277, J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piat- tella, D. C. Rodrigues, W. Zimdahl Editors, EDUFES
3. J. C. Fabris, O. F. Piattella, D. C. Rodrigues, H. E. S. Velten and W. Zimdahl, The Cosmic Microwave Background, Astrophys. Space Sci. Proc. 45 (2016)
4. D. Wands, O. F. Piattella and L. Casarini, Physics of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, Astrophys. Space Sci. Proc. 45 (2016) 3, arXiv:1504.06335
5. O. F. Piattella, Lecture Notes in Cosmology, UNITEXT for Physics, Springer International Publishing (2018), ISBN 978-3-319-95569-8, arXiv:1803.00070. A constantly-updated pdf version can be found on my personal webpage:
Settori (5)
Descrizione linee ricerca (2)
The cosmological constant: what is it and why is it so small?
The nature of Dark Energy: Modified gravity or a new matter component of our universe.
No Results Found
Pubblicazioni (77)
Partecipazioni scientifiche
Fellow (riconoscimento scientifico)
- Humboldt Stiftung (Germania)
(2018 - 2020)
No Results Found
Ricerca e didattica presso enti (7)
Incarico svolto presso: Università degli Studi INSUBRIA Varese-Como - Ricercatore universitario a t.d.
(31/05/2024 - 30/12/2024)20240531
Incarico svolto presso: Università degli Studi INSUBRIA Varese-Como - Ricercatore universitario a t.d.
(31/12/2021 - 30/05/2024)20211231
Incarico svolto presso: Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo - Ricercatore all estero
(01/03/2020 - 30/12/2021)20200301
Borsista CAPES/Humboldt presso: Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Heidelberg - Visiting Researcher
(01/09/2018 - 29/02/2020)20180901
Professor Adjunto presso: Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo - Ricercatore all estero
(29/02/2012 - 28/02/2020)20120229
Professore Visitante presso: Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo - Professore a contratto
(01/03/2011 - 29/02/2012)20110301
Visiting Researcher presso: University of Portsmouth - Ricercatore all estero
(19/02/2009 - 31/07/2009)20090219
No Results Found
Congressi (11)
Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - VI José Plínio Baptista School of Cosmology - Friedmann and the LCDM model (19/09/2022 - 23/09/2022) 20220919
Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - Verão Quântico 2021 (07/10/2021 - 12/10/2021) 20211007
Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - V José Plínio Baptista School of Cosmology Compact Objects (30/09/2021 - 05/10/2021) 20210930
Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - PPGCosmo workshop on Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation (05/03/2020 - 06/03/2020) 20200305
Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - IV José Plínio Baptista School on Cosmology - Gravitational Waves (15/10/2018 - 19/10/2018) 20181015
Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - Estate Quantistica 2018 (11/06/2018 - 15/06/2018) 20180611
Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - Celebrating Winfried Zimdahl's 70th Birthday - Interactions in the dark sector of the universe (03/06/2018 - 06/06/2018) 20180603
Presidente/Chairman del comitato organizzativo - Homenagem aos 60 anos do Prof. Júlio César Fabris - Problemas atuais de Gravitação e Cosmologia (23/10/2017 - 24/10/2017) 20171023
Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - Verão Quântico 2017 (03/03/2017 - 08/03/2017) 20170303
Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - III José Plínio Baptista School on Cosmology - The Dark Sector of the Universe (25/09/2016 - 30/09/2016) 20160925
Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - Escola Patricio Letelier de Física-Matemática (22/02/2016 - 26/02/2022) 20160222
No Results Found
Network di ricerca (2)
International PhD Program in Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation
- PPGCosmo is an international PhD program on Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation that aims to give PhD students the opportunity to develop a successful international scientific career. The research topics range from theoretical to observational aspects of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation, including participation in collaborations such as LIGO, Virgo, J-PAS, Euclid, LSST and CTA. PPGCosmo is a joint program of 14 institutions in 9 countries.
(01/08/2016 - )20160801
No Results Found
Collegi di dottorato (2)
Università degli Studi INSUBRIA Varese-Como -
(ciclo: 39 - Anno: 2023
Università degli Studi INSUBRIA Varese-Como -
(ciclo: 38 - Anno: 2022
No Results Found
Supervisione di dottorandi o post-doc esterni
Post-doc -
Guimarães Luiz Filipe
Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo -
(01/09/2022 - )
Insegnamenti offerta formativa corrente (6)
Primo Semestre (07/10/2024 - 20/12/2024)
- 2024
Laurea Magistrale Ciclo Unico 6 anni
12 ore
Primo Semestre (23/09/2024 - 17/01/2025)
- 2024
64 ore
Secondo Semestre (24/02/2025 - 13/06/2025)
- 2024
64 ore
Secondo Semestre (24/02/2025 - 13/06/2025)
- 2024
11 CFU
88 ore
Primo Semestre (07/10/2024 - 20/12/2024)
- 2024
50 ore
Primo Semestre (07/10/2024 - 20/12/2024)
- 2024
10 ore
No Results Found
Public Engagement (2)
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore)
- Einstein e la Relatività
Liceo Artistico "Frattini", di Varese (23/02/2024 - ) 20240223
Attività di coinvolgimento e interazione con il mondo della scuola (Organizzatore)
- Preparazione dei partecipanti alle Olimpiadi della Fisica, prove di secondo livello 2023.
Online. (12/01/2023 - 15/01/2023) 20230112
No Results Found